
机舱行车 《船舶与海上设施起重设备规范》2007

产品/服务: 机舱行车 《船舶与海上设施起重设备规范》2007 
品 牌: 捷胜 
型 号: 1-30T 
规 格: 1-30T 
单 价: 200000.00元/简易  询价
最小起订量: 1 简易  订购
供货总量: 1 简易
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-09-29
浏览次数: 119

机舱行车 《船舶与海上设施起重设备规范》2007 "The operation of ships and offshore crane specification" 2007 用于海洋平台或舰船主、辅机舱、机修间等处设备检修时拉缸、起吊工具、配件、轴系 For offshore platform or ship owners, auxiliary engine, cylinder, lifting tools, accessories, office equipment maintenance shaft repair room etc. 技术指标: Technical indicators: 起升负荷:1-30T Lifting load: 1-30T 起升高度:3-30m Lifting height: 3-30m 起升速度:4-8m/min Hoisting speed: 4-8m/min 运行速度:8m/min Speed: 8m/min 组成: Form. 由起升机构、大车行走机构、行走小车机构、刹车系统、控制系统等部件 The hoisting mechanism, traveling mechanism, a walking trolley mechanism, braking system, control system and other components 安装使用注意事项: Installation notes: 1、 具产品使用经验的有证件专业人员操作 1, product use experience with certificates of professional staff to operate 2、 检测报警点、刹车、制动准确可靠 2, detection alarm, brake, brake is accurate and reliable 3、 减速机、啮合齿轮、运动部件必须加油 3, speed reducer, gear, moving parts must refuel 4、 电器接线正确,空载运行二次各5分钟 4, electrical wiring is correct, the no-load running two times every 5 minutes 环保提示: Environmental tips: 产品不含污染环境的物质,当丢弃使用寿命到期的产品时,应交给正式收集点处理。 The product does not contain the environmental pollution, the service life of the product when discarded expired, should be paid to the official collection point processing.

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