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产品/服务: 供应现货AXOR电机 
品 牌: 供应现货AXOR电机 
型 号: 供应现货AXOR电机 
规 格: 供应现货AXOR电机 
单 价: 面议  询价
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-09-08
浏览次数: 42



AxorInd. Is a world leading servo-drive and servo-motor manufacturer providing first-class solutions in todays motion control industry. Founded in Vicenza (Italy) in 1988, Axor has become synonymous with reliability, cost-effectiveness and customized application servo solutions. Axors core value lies in providing not only standard, but also a completely customized range of servo applications. Major investments in facilities, technologically advanced equipment and quality control processes are representative of our commitment to excellence. The ability for timely responses to customer requirements has been paramount to Axors success. Our staff is constantly developing innovative technology. Creative design, automated production and ISO 9001 compliance combine to create efficient products that have maximum power output in the smallest possible packages. From Day one, Axor has focused on the principle that people-to-people accessibility, along with superior technical expertise is key to allowing customers to bring new and innovative products to the marketplace. In addition to product support, Axor also provides application engineering support. The applications department uses its direct access to the Axor design teams to ensure that customer concerns and market trends are adhered to rapidly and efficiently. Access to our applications team is only a phone call or an email away. At Axor we firmly believe in providing customers with superior products, which is confirmed by an annual decrease in products returning for warranty repairs.



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