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供应现货ALLGAIER 振动筛分机

产品/服务: 供应现货ALLGAIER 
品 牌: 供应现货ALLGAIER 振动筛分机 
型 号: 供应现货ALLGAIER 振动筛分机 
规 格: 供应现货ALLGAIER 振动筛分机 
单 价: 面议  询价
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-09-08
浏览次数: 43


上海欧可电子科技有限公司代理供应ALLGAIER 振动筛分机 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机价格 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机代理 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机现货 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机渠道 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机经销 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机总经销。

Screening machines
Allgaier, together with its subsidiaries, is Europe's leading manufacturer of classification technology, and operates worldwide. In response to the market's demand for solutions in the fine screening area, we have specialised not only in standard screening machines but also classification technology in the ultrafine powder area.

For us, ultrafine particles are the standard

Our customers in the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs and plastics industries require substances with particle sizes between a few μm and about 1 mm. We can classify these optimally in specially produced tumbler screening machines with back-up technologies such as ultrasonic or ultrasonic air screening.

Our machines adapt

In many cases, screening capability can only be confirmed by testing. Once a solution has been worked out, the machine is produced on the basis of a modular system with its configuration exactly adapted to the task.
上海欧可电子科技有限公司代理供应ALLGAIER 振动筛分机 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机价格 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机代理 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机现货 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机渠道 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机经销 ALLGAIER 振动筛分机总经销。




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