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供应现货MITRPAK 换向器

产品/服务: 供应现货MITRPAK 换向器 
规 格: 供应现货MITRPAK 换向器 
单 价: 面议  询价
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-09-08
浏览次数: 156

 上海欧可电子科技有限公司代理供应MITRPAK 换向器 MITRPAK 换向器代理 MITRPAK 换向器价格 MITRPAK 换向器厂家 MITRPAK 换向器现货 MITRPAK 换向器渠道 MITRPAK 换向器经销 MITRPAK 换向器总经销。

美国 MITRPAK 换向器、齿轮箱

MITRPAK supplies both standard and specialized spiral bevel gear drives to many different industries throughout the world. Our engineers can adapt our standard drives to meet the specifications of each client, and each special application.

Here are the special application options for MITRPAK drives.

Base Material and Coating Options

Machined Housings and Shafts

Grease and Shaft Seals

Aluminum Housing and Bearing Locknuts - Aluminum’s natural properties make it a great material for washdown applications. Unlike steel, aluminum will not corrode (rust) and wash away.  Aluminum will oxidize but during the oxidation process it actually forms a protective coating or skin on the surface of the component that resists further oxidation.

Aluminum is also a good base material for application of other coating treatments.

Hard Anodizing -is typically used on drives for the food and chemical processing industries.  The coating provides an electrochemical aluminum oxide coating on the outer surface of components providing a hard, corrosive-resistant surface suitable for harsh environments and caustic washdown environments

    上海欧可电子科技有限公司代理供应MITRPAK 换向器 MITRPAK 换向器代理 MITRPAK 换向器价格 MITRPAK 换向器厂家 MITRPAK 换向器现货 MITRPAK 换向器渠道 MITRPAK 换向器经销 MITRPAK 换向器总经销。


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